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Your Welfare Officers

Welfare at Fitz 

College Welfare Co-Ordinator

The College has recently appointed a new Wellbeing Coordinator to support students, staff and Fellows. Thier role is to provide advice and support for individual students and those working with them (including among others Tutors, tutorial staff, porters, Chaplain, and student representatives), and liaise with the College Counsellor and University Counselling service, College Nurse and NHS provision.


College and University Counselling 

Our College counsellor is Mary Cavander Attwood. You can contact her directly to arrange a meeting at

The University Counselling Service employs professionally trained counsellors for students to talk about any of their problems. It is best to contact them through your Tutor but you can also contact them directly at 01223 332865 or at Services are free and confidential.


Your JCR Welfare Officers

As the JCR, we are here to serve you. Specifically, the Welfare officers are here to address any questions or concerns you have and are always happy to chat about anything you like. Even if we can’t help with something specific, we are happy to point you to the right people.


College Families

The college family system is a great support network for all undergrads in Cambridge, where you will be allocated another fresher ‘sibling’ and two ‘parents’ in the year above you.

It works as an informal peer support/welfare system where your parents are available for advice, a chat and to welcome you to college. It’s also a great way to ask questions about your studies as one of your parents should be studying the same subject as you. Often, your family are the first people from other years you get to talk to before you arrive, so they will be very useful. They may also have experienced a lot of similar problems, so no query is too weird!


Get in Touch

If You're Still Unsure of what to do and where to go, try emailing our Welfare Officers:

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