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JMA: Sports & Socities 

The JMA stands for the Junior Members Association, and it technically contains all Fitz students. It is run by the JMA Executive Trustees Committee (JMAETC): a committee of Fellows that presides over the assets of the JMA. This committee allocates these funds to the JCR, the MCR and the JMA Clubs and Societies (represented at the JMAETC meetings by the President of Clubs & Societies). The JMAETC also regulates the activity of each of these bodies following the JMA Constitution and other College policies.


The Clubs & Societies President and VP are who you need to go for when it comes to all things sports-related in the college, and also if you want to enquire about starting your own society! 

Image by Adi Goldstein


Fitz has recently been very successful in athletics, winning Autumn Cuppers

in 2019. We always enter a large team, so whether you’re aiming to be the

next Jess Ennis or just fancy giving it a go you’re always welcome to compete.

Fitz Cross Country team was revived recently and has also been very

successful. There are two races in each of the first two terms, one of five

miles (three for women), and a relay of two to two-and-a-half miles per leg.



Fitz has its very own badminton court (in the auditorium) and a friendly club

running weekly practices. All standards of players are welcome! We run

social sessions as well as team practices – and you can come along as often

as you wish. Each year, Fitz enters both Men’s and Women’s doubles teams

into the intercollegiate leagues, as well as entering Cuppers



The Fitz Basketball Club was set up last year comprising a handful of

students who enjoyed playing basketball. As such, the atmosphere is quite

relaxed and informal.

No matter your skill level, if you think you might enjoy playing basketball,

you’re welcome to come along!

Cricket Bat and Ball


Fitz has dominated the intercollegiate cricket scene in recent years, winning

all four Cuppers competitions from 2016-19. We schedule fixtures around

exams throughout Easter Term and it makes for an excellent break from

work, with plenty of opportunity for those of all cricketing abilities to shine

through a range of ‘friendly’ fixtures against other colleges, local teams, the

staff and the old boys. Winter nets take place during Lent term and will be

rigorously observed for the slightest hint of hand-eye co-ordination.

Image by Coen van de Broek


Cambridge is sometimes described as the cycling capital of the UK so being

at Cambridge is a great time to get involved in cycling! Do get in touch if

you're interested in competative cycling. We'd love to hear from you!

Image by Wesley Tingey


Fitz is THE college if you want to play competitive college football, winning

silverware as part of a friendly, inclusive team. Fitz has 3 mens teams and

one women and non-binary team, shared with Corpus. The mens first team

have been nicknamed the "Fitzvincibles" having won Cuppers 7 times in a

row, and 16 times in total, being cheered on by a 100-strong fan base in the

finals. The womens and non-binary team won Cuppers in 2023 with an

amazing victory over Jesus

Image by John Torcasio


Trinity-Fitz, coined ‘Titz’, is a joint-college hockey club! We play weekly games

against other colleges in both men’s and mixed games. We have a range of

abilities, and we would love you to come and give hockey a go if you think

that you would enjoy it!

In 2023 Titz came 3rd in Cuppers, beating Christs-Pem 3-2.

We have a very welcoming atmosphere and would love to see some new

faces this year!

Image by Jeffrey F Lin


Fitz has an enthusiastic and rapidly growing mixed lacrosse team, which is

great fun both on the pitch and on the social scene; it is a joint team with

Murray Edwards and Peterhouse so is a great way to meet new people

outside college, as well as a perfect place for a run out on a Sunday

afternoon. Saying that, we had a great run in Cuppers last year and we come

away with many a win in our weekly matches! It can be as relaxed or as

competitive as you like, so get involved!

Basketball Net


Netball is one of the biggest sports at Fitz and has great team spirit. Players

of all abilities are welcome, whether you have some experience or have

never played before! Coming 3rd in Cuppers in both 2023 and 2022, the

team is strong and successful but also friendly and enjoyable, with the

perfect balance of fun and serious. It is open to all levels and you do not

need to trial to participate, so please come along!

Pool table in the JCR


Fitzwilliam College has a free Pool table located in the JCR, as well as a Pool team

that regularly enters into the College League as well as the Cuppers Tournament,

and were able to play against the other colleges in Division One last year. The Fitz

Pool Team welcomes players of all levels of skill and commitment and

encourages all players to enjoy the game. We’re hoping to keep our spot in

Division One this year with the classic Fitzwilliam grace, skills and banter

Rowing Crew


Rowing at Fitz is open to everybody regardless of experience (most people

in our boat club started rowing at Cambridge!) Within one term, you will

have the opportunity to compete in fun races, make friends with students

from all years, improve your fitness and attend events such as the

Fitzwilliam Boat Club Dinner every term. Please feel free to contact us with

any questions at all! Taster sessions will be on Tues 3rd Oct, Wed 4th Oct

and Sat 7th Oct. Join our ‘FCBC Novices 2023’ Facebook group to find out

more, sign up for a taster and try out this iconic Cambridge sport!

Image by Edgar Pimenta


FSCRUFC secured a historic double in 2020 – winning both Division One and

Cuppers – validating Fitz as Cambridge’s top rugby college. In 2022 and 2023 Fitz

placed 2nd in Cuppers, maintaining this prowess. The club is proudly partnered

with Sidney Sussex College, with whom many players have established firm

friendships. The partnership, now in its fifth-year, has also allowed the FSCRUFC’s

Sevens line-up to flourish taking nine members of the squad to the United States

on tour playing Harvard, MIT, and Princeton.

Running Group


Fitz Running Club organises running sessions on a regular basis at all different

ability levels and speeds. If you want to join a community while running at your

own pace we're the society to join!

Squash Equipment


Fitz has an enthusiastic Squash team.

Tennis Balls


Tennis fields strong Mens' and Ladies' teams that compete in Cuppers each

year and there is plenty of opportunity to play socially as well. With our own

hard court at Oxford Road and three more grass courts in Summer term,

facilities are excellent and the club places great emphasis on everyone

getting involved, whatever your level.

Frisbee Thrower

Ultimate Frisbee

We are an Ultimate Frisbee team which participates in the college league.

Through all these activities we provide the ideal introduction for the

University-level Ultimate team, Strange Blue, which have created this video

to explain Ultimate. Your college team, The New Thundercatz, represent six

colleges (St Catharine’s, Trinity Hall, Fitzwilliam, Girton, Caius and Magdalene)

so it's a great chance to meet players from other colleges and play a

competitive sport in a highly-spirited manner.

Image by Maarten Duineveld

Varsity Ski Trip

The Varsity Ski Trip is the annual Cambridge and Oxford University ski trip

and is the largest and oldest trip of its kind in the world. Every year

Fitzwilliam has a great turnout of numbers to the trip with students of every

year attending. On the trip aside from skiing there is yoga, après, a

mountain meal, bar crawls, bingo, opening and final night parties and of

course the Varsity Races. Over this term there will be some promotional

events to get to know others attending the trip.

Image by Victor Freitas

Fitz Pump

This society is restarting this year! Sessions are open to everyone of all

abilities, with the aim of improving fitness through fun circuit sessions. We’ll

be aiming to meet at least once a week, using Eddington park and Churchill

grounds for our sessions - come and give it a go, get a pump and enjoy

training for fitness!

© 2024 by Fitzwilliam College JCR 

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